Sunday, March 7, 2010

To answer some questions

DSC01440-3 Here is a picture of Mommy’s belly at 30 weeks and a few days.  We do have many more pictures but she is so fussy that she keeps on retaking shots and is just too lazy to edit them lol!  Mommy hopes to have some more pictures to post within the next week or so since it won’t be much longer now.

Okay, now to answer some questions…

The pregnancy is going very well but she does feel waaay bigger this time around and perhaps that’s a reason why there has not been many photos.  When I was in her belly she posted a weekly picture but not this time around.  Oh well, baby brother will get to have some more artsy belly shots than I did… give and take I guess?

Baby brother’s exact  due date is April 29th, 2010  (we know this because he is an IVF baby and it’s an exact science so to speak) but he is measuring to have a due date of April 20th, 2010.  Time will tell!  Currently Mommy is 32 weeks and 3 days pregnant.  There is a pregnancy ticker on the sidebar of my blog counting down the days.

Mommy and Daddy are fighting over baby brother’s name at the moment.  Mommy wants Alexander (it is Daddy’s middle name and is also the name of both Mommy and Daddy’s Grandpa’s).  Daddy wants Jackson or Owen.  Daddy mostly wants Jackson but Mommy is really not sure about that one.  They had both actually decided on Jackson until it was pointed out that Daddy’s name is Michael!  So the names are down to Owen, Alexander and Jackson.  What do you think?  Is Jackson too funny if Daddy’s name is Michael LOL!!  Which one!?

The nursery is finished it just needs a few paint touch ups and Mommy will post some pictures of it this week. 


Cathy said...

Love them all. Absolutely.

Unknown said...

I really like Alexander Jackson. Kill two birds with one stone! We have 3 generations of James Jackson's in our family... but it ended with this generation. So far not one child his named their son after the grandfather. I personally am not into the same name game.... but I know others are. :D

So anyways I don't think the Jackson and michael thing is a bad thing unless you say this is Michael and here is Jackson... but most people probably won't put two and two together.... hmmm. tough call but I think you would be okay

Anonymous said...

I’ve been doing some serious research about the positioning of buttons in forms in general. And what I’ve come up with is to put the “Primary Action”-button left-aligned with the form. One of the reasons for doing this is that the eye automatically searches for a new form element to the left just under the previous elem
academic degree

Jeremi said...

Beautiful belly shot!!
And thanks so much for posting this post -- it was fun to read what's going on with you : )

I like all the names, (not much help, I know), but I don't think it's funny if you go with Jackson and his dad's name is Michael : )

Have a great Monday!

Jeremi said...

just reread my comment -- meant to write I DO think it's funny with the Jackson and Michael names, but in a good way. Like the previous poster said, when introducing don't say Michael followed by Jackson : )

I am still asleep by the way, sorry if my comments aren't too clear this morning!

Catherine Anne said...

I love baby belly photos. You are just beautiful!

Natalie said...

Your belly shot is amazing! I love it! Please share some more!

And I think you know my vote. Owen. You both like it, so go for it!

Samantha said...

I like Owen it goes best when saying both Taylor and owen totoger (which you will be when there both running about the shops LOL. Owen is differant and I don't know love it. Go with your gut though as I wanted to name Mason "Riley Mason Crozier" and we ended up calling him "Mason Riley Crozier" I wish his first name was Riley LOL. Like Liam too for a name LOL ok you got 3 to choose from already sorry LOL Owen is my top pick then Alexander Im not to keen on Jackson to be honest though Jack alone is pretty sweet

Suki said...

I like Owen and Alexander best. I hope Mommy and Daddy can decide pretty soon. And yes, I think it would be weird to name baby brother Jackson ;)
Love the belly shot. Tell mommy she doesn't need to hide it, because it is gorgeous.

Maria said...

I like them all, but I'm a fan of Jackson. I always thought "Jax" would be a cool nickname. That's just me. Can't wait til baby gets here!!

Pam said...

I really love the name Alexander. Jackson is a good name too. I went to nursing school with an Owen who was really really smart. Decisions.

Shannon said...

I think we ALL get bigger the second time around... but, is that a self-portrait? It's MARVELOUS! I bet you can't wait for that cute baby... :) All of your spring pics of Taylor are beautiful as ALWAYS!

Mamí♥Picture said...

I really like Alexander! but all the names are beautiful...♥ Your Mommy has a beautiful belly!!!
I can't wait to see pics from the nursery...☺

4chalseys@blogger said...

What a stunner of a photo! It's perfect! I can't believe you are due at the end of April. It's flown by (for me) LOL!