Here are some more pictures from our play outside the other day.
My reaction when Mommy told me it was time to go back inside! LOL.
A photo journal of Mason and I because any day with us is a day worth remembering!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
More From Outside
Friday, February 26, 2010
Just a quick post
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Little Brother
Little brother is in the first picture and I am in the second picture. I think he just might look like me! We both have that sleepy grumpy baby look LOL. Here are some more shots from the UC Baby trip yesterday.
Little brother was being very difficult and hiding most of the time during the scan. Mommy and Daddy were there for an hour and a half and he never did roll over all the way. Any other time Mommy eats something sweet he is moving around like crazy… not yesterday LOL. He must have been very tired because they shook and giggled him, got up for walks a few times and even chugged some fruit juice but nope, he was sleeping and that was that!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I Heart Faces - “Hand On” Fun
You guessed it! This week’s theme is all about the hands. Taylor and I really had lots of fun with this one. She was smiling from ear to ear when I started to put the raspberries on her fingers. I think she loved the texture and plus she thought I was very silly! We normally do not allow her to play with her food so this was something really out of the ordinary for her. Raspberries are not her favorite thing to eat and she has never ate more than a few at a time but she loved biting them off of her fingers and ate every last one and even had a few more afterwards!
I have to thank I Heart Faces for helping me find a new way to get Taylor to eat her food LOL! Check out all the other hand shots here.
Meet “Mum”
A few days ago I brought one of my Little People over to Mommy and put her in her hand and said “Mum”. Mommy said thank-you and quickly dismissed it and put it on the coffee table. I picked her up again and gave her back to Mommy and said “Mum, Mum, Mum!” Mommy took her from me again and said thank-you and put her down again. So I picked her up but this time I put her up very close to Mommy’s face and pointed to her and said “Mum!” This time Mommy looked at her closely and realized what I was trying to tell her. This is mini Mommy! She has a bottle in her hand, a cloth for cleaning up spills and she even has curly hair like Mommy!! I have since been taking Mum to bed with me at night and she also helps take care of my other little people LOL.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
From Abhor to Adore!
Mommy was taking some pictures of me with Daddy’s hat on a few weeks ago. It was an overcast day and the light was okay but not great. The brim of the hat blocked a lot of the light from my eyes in most of the pictures so she was disappointed and just figured they were too bad, even to edit. Tonight she decided to give one a try and amazingly she was able to get my beautiful eyes back in the light. Mommy has never tried to edit a picture so dark before and it makes her a little sad to think about all of the pictures that were lost on the external hard drive that she never edited. Maybe we should send it away for the expensive recovery after all?
Here is the picture SOOC (straight out of the camera) Here it is edited
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
How Do You Drink Your Smoothie?
I like to drink mine cuddled up on the couch with it in between my legs and with my mitts on! It’s cold on my hands but yummy in my tummy!
Mommy hasn’t been great with taking pictures lately because we are busy watching the Olympics! When she went to take some pictures this morning of me with my Valentine’s Day pillow the camera battery was dead… oops! We will get some tomorrow maybe.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Supper With Lora Continued…
Lora quickly got the boot because I just couldn’t eat my food properly so I threw her to the floor (sorry Lora) and started to eat my supper. A few minutes later Mommy looked over at me and my head was tilted down, she didn’t think much of it because I often drop some food and then try to retrieve it from my lap. A minute or so later Daddy asked me what I was looking at and I didn’t respond. Upon closer inspection they realized that I was fast asleep! I guess that’s what you get when you skip your nap LOL. They took me out and laid me down on the couch and I slept there for half an hour. I haven’t skipped my nap since then.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
I Heart Faces - Kisses
This week’s theme is kisses. I snapped this shot of Taylor giving her Daddy a kiss on the top of his head while they were running around the house. I love watching them play together and seeing how much she loves her Daddy. If you want to see a bunch of great kiss shots go to I Heart Faces.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Supper with Lora
Last Sunday I spent the morning with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa. After we went out to breakfast we went to the mall to run around a bit. Mommy and Daddy usually make me stay in my stroller but when I go to the mall with Grandpa he will let me loose and run around after me! By the time we were done at the mall it was already past my nap time so when we got home I had some milk and went to bed. However, I didn’t feel the need for a nap so I just stayed up and played for an hour and a half before Mommy gave up and brought me downstairs. An hour or so later we had supper and I wanted Lora to eat with me in my highchair. Here are some pics.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
What did Hershey do?
Out of focus because I was running circles around Mommy but she loves my smile in this one so I posted it. I do have lots of pictures to share but just haven’t got around to posting.
This is a funny question but does anyone else hate the taste of the new Hershey kisses? I don’t notice the difference but Mommy hates them and won’t eat them anymore. She said it’s not right to mess with someone’s favorite chocolate!