I really enjoyed meeting my new little brother! He is noisy sometimes but it doesn’t bother me too much. We are all settling in nicely but the posts will be a little farther in between until we get into more of a regular schedule. We have been taking some pictures but not as many as we want to, hopefully soon though. I hope to catch up with everyone very soon and hope everyone is doing great!
A photo journal of Mason and I because any day with us is a day worth remembering!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Guess Who’s Here?!
Baby brother is here! AKA - Mason Alexander Schur. Just when you thought you knew what we were going to name him he he he! Mason was born early this morning (Tuesday April 27) at 4:57 am. He weighed 8lbs 10ozs and is just over 21 inches long! I am going to visit him in the hospital later this afternoon when Daddy gets done his inspections LOL! Yes, Daddy left and did his inspections today but that’s just Daddy. I will post more later once I have met him.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Still Waiting…
Little brother is still hanging around in Mommy’s belly. They keep saying he is coming soon but when is soon?! Mommy and I have been busy getting caught up on all the laundry and housework. Mommy says I am a great helper, except when I try to re-fold the laundry for her he he he.
Mommy is loving her new lens but admits she has not used it all that much yet. Once little brother is out it will be much easier to move around and have fun trying it out. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
ipod playing
Daddy downloaded a match game on his ipod and I love to play it. My favorite thing to do with the ipod is to turn it on and go straight to the music and play myself a song! I dance around the living room and hum along to the songs. Mommy just shakes her head at Daddy because I am only 2 and already a pro with the ipod… now I just need to master Daddy’s iphone lol!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Push Present
Mommy was very spoiled tonight and got her push present! For those of you who are wondering what a push present is, it is a present that she gets to push the baby out LOL!! Mommy’s wonderful cousin came up with the concept or heard of it and told Daddy that he needed to do the same thing her husband did for her. Just before Mommy had me she received a new lens but this time the new lens is quite a bit better. Anyways we are excited to get out to use it but it will have to wait until after little brother arrives. Daddy is very busy with inspections still so going out for a walk makes Mommy nervous because it might send her into labour during one of his busy days LOL!! We did take some pictures tonight and will continue to practice with it until we can go out and try some fun shots with it.
I’m hoping to get a few more posts in before little brother arrives so maybe tomorrow or the next day I will grace you with my sweet face hahaha!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Swing Time Delight
I am just loving my new play set! Today Grandma and Grandpa came over to help get the fence started. So far we just have a few holes dug and the string in place but soon enough we will finally have our fence. Mommy says I will have more freedom to run around and we can play in the backyard more often, sounds great to me. An unexpected ad for pediped LOL!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Little People Line-up!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Playing in the backyard
On Easter Sunday Daddy set up my new play set in the backyard. I had so much fun playing and really didn’t want to go back inside when it was time.
In the second picture I was crying because I fell off of the swing! Daddy gave me a little push but I wasn’t ready and I fell off backwards. I didn’t hurt myself but it did scare me so I was upset! Daddy calmed me down and put me right back on and I was instantly happy again.
This week I have barely seen Daddy. He has been very busy with inspections and I might have seen him for 5 or 6 hours total this week! On Saturday when he came home for a few minutes in between inspections to see me I instantly threw myself on the floor and started crying when he went to leave. I’m not sure who felt worse, him or me?! Mommy is getting nervous because if it stays this busy she may have little brother by herself lol! Just kidding Daddy will cancel his inspections but Mommy will probably have to be the one to call and cancel for him hehehe!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Egg Colouring and Painting
On Saturday after the cheesy smile picture shoot we got busy with Easter eggs. First we tried painting gold and metallic eggs but the paint and dye really didn’t work well together and ended up looking weird but you can’t expect too much from the dollar store specials LOL! Here is what they looked like. Next we just bought some food colouring and dyed a bunch of eggs. Here’s how that went.
We were going to add sparkles to them but it was getting late and was almost lunch time. By the time I got up from my nap Uncle Dave and Aunt Amy were due any minute so we never got around to adding the glitter but I still played with the eggs for a few days later and really enjoyed peeling them lol! Mommy followed me around with the vacuum for a while. On Sunday we woke up and I had an egg hunt then we went outside and Daddy built my play structure. I had so much fun swinging and sliding and lots of pictures to share but of course, that’s for another day.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tired and busy
Here is a shot from our walk on Friday.
We of course have many more but Mommy is pretty tired tonight and just got back from grocery shopping. It seems like she only has enough energy these days to accomplish one big task lol! Tomorrow we are making a big batch of chili. It should be interesting because it is our first time making it. Hopefully tomorrow night I can post more about my Easter weekend. Happy Wednesday!
Monday, April 5, 2010
On Friday we drove around to some real estate offices and dropped off some chocolates and Easter bunnies to the agents. Unfortunately more than half of the offices were closed but it was worth the effort anyways. I really don’t mind driving in the van because I get to watch movies in there and have juice and snacks so it’s actually kind of fun lol! Afterwards we went to Lemoine Point for a walk and I ran around all over the place. By the time we got home I was more than ready for my nap! I slept for 2 hours and then we had supper and just relaxed the rest of the night. On Saturday morning Mommy and I took a few Easter shots in the living room. Mommy may have taken a few pics of her belly too but that’s for another post. Every time Mommy asked me to smile I gave her this look… Cute but apparently not what she was looking for lol! We didn’t spend too much time taking pictures because I had already managed to eat 4 kisses in a few minutes and as you can see it was going to get messy in a hurry, not to mention the fact that I would be crazed from too much chocolate hehehe. So we put stuff away and got ready for the next fun thing but I will post about that tomorrow.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Sick Since Tuesday
Well just since Tuesday night. I was feeling fine when I went to bed on Tuesday but a few hours later I woke up crying and I was pretty stuffed up and I had a bad cough. Mommy was worried I might be getting croup again but it started to loosen up during the night. This is what I looked like on Wednesday.
I was pretty mellow and a tad bit whiney lol! I spent most of the day on the couch reading, colouring and just basic vegging. I hate it when my nose is runny and I cry when it drips down my face so I also spent a good part of my day crying and saying help (which means help me get this off of my face). By Thursday I was feeling better but I still had a runny nose and needed some extra TLC. Today was better and we even made it out for a walk. The weather was amazing today, temperatures were normal for a summer day so it was great to be able to go out again finally. We are hoping that I will be even better tomorrow because Mommy says we are going to decorate some eggs! I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend. Hoppy Easter All!!