Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mondays With Mason on Tuesday… Again


18 Weeks!!  As you can probably tell the past week has been filled with lots of toe catching!  I am really trying to suck on them but I can’t seem to keep them in my mouth long enough.  Mommy has also been trying to get me to practice on my sitting skills.  I usually do not sit up on the couch by myself for very long, I don’t like being by myself so I am either on the floor with Taylor and Mommy, being carried around,  or standing or sitting on a lap.  I have been reaching out for toys while laying on my belly and while sitting on the couch, love to chew on any toy!  One of my favorites is a silly dragon fly that says silly things, maybe Mommy will get a video of me chatting to her.  Hopefully we can get some more posts up this week, Taylor has supplied some cute shots for Mommy.


Jeremi said...

i love chubby babies!! so cute : )

Unknown said...

gosh he is cute, and a chunkeroo!! my little man has been skinny his entire six months, we try and try to plump him out but it never happens! cutie!

Suki said...

Awww, Mason... You are so handsome and adorably chubby! I just love that age.

Shannon said...

they grow up SO FAST! I cannot believe he is already 18 weeks, that's like 4 and a half months! You are so good at capturing all of the important things in the lives of your children! They will thank you someday, I promise! ;)