Last night we had the pleasure of watching the sky turn from this to this
to this
then to this
and finally to this
All of these pictures are SOOC (straight out of the camera). Theses are even the RAW format so the camera didn’t even add a colour profile to it yet!! It was amazing! We only saw a sky like this once last year, click HERE to see that post. Hopefully our new house will allow us to see more sunsets like this without the hydro lines in the background LOL.
A photo journal of Mason and I because any day with us is a day worth remembering!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Fire In The Sky
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Mondays With Mason
5 Months old today! My hair is finally growing!! I am pretty sure it will be dark and not light but I guess we will see soon enough. Sometimes it looks light but my hair at the back is dark and longer. I’m not sure if I ever mentioned my skullette LOL!! I have old man hair, just a bit of longer hair at the back and the top is almost bald. Here is a picture of it.
You can kind of see in this picture how my new hair is coming in. Mommy is excited to see how I look with hair. I am in 9 month old clothing now and getting bigger everyday. It is almost time to stop using my sink tub, I can barely fit in it anymore. I wonder how Taylor will like sharing her bath time with me?
Saturday, September 25, 2010
And So It Begins
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sticker Sandal
We got some stickers in the mail the other day. Someone wanted us to join their club of the whatever. Anyways, Mommy gave me the stickers and I sat down and decided to stick everyone of them on my foot! I don’t know why I wanted to do that but I just did. After I stuck them all to my foot I peeled them back off and stuck them to the floor. Mommy called me a silly billy and took pictures while I giggled and had a blast.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
That’s IT!!
I mean it Mason, you better stop hogging all the camera and blog time!! Take THAT!! LOL, just kidding. I was trying to put my arm around him for a picture but my hand placement made it look like I was taking him down, the look on my face didn’t help either. I really don’t mind that Mommy haunts Mason with the camera, it gives me a break. I usually run away as soon as I see her with it in her hands. Mommy wanted me to sit behind Mason and hold him in between my legs but not even the promise of a mini chocolate bar could persuade me. My exact words were “NO WAY!”. Better luck next time Mommy!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Mondays With Mason
21 weeks tomorrow. The last week has been filled with chatter! I have been talking up a storm, actually I always have been a chatter box but I have recently discovered that I can make all sorts of new noises. Da-da-da-da-da and ya-ya-ya-ya-ya are currently my favorite new things to say. I also make a funny noise when I move my tongue forward and backwards. I am pulling myself up to a sitting position if Mommy lets me hold onto her fingers. My favorite activity right now is reading books with Mommy and Taylor, the touch and feel books are the best!
I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Taylor’s Living Baby Doll
Today Mommy decided it was time for Mason to start eating rice cereal. I was very excited to get to feed him!! I kept on saying “help too, mama”, so she let me. Mason LOVED his cereal, in fact, when we gave him his cereal tonight for the second time he had an absolute fit when he finished it. He screeched as loud as he could because he wanted more. Mommy didn’t want to over do it so she didn’t let him have more but she of course let him nurse right away. Mason made a sticky mess because he wanted to feed himself and hold the spoon, I didn’t do that my first time so Mommy was surprised at how grabby he was LOL.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
On Second Thought
Perhaps Mommy should have posted this picture of Mason for her Monday post LOL!! As it was pointed out, Monday’s picture didn’t look like he was grumpy all week (he of course was not grumpy all week, at least not when that picture was taken). This picture was taken when he was just over a month old and as you can see he has always been a “Gus” LOL! He is really giving Mommy the stink eye!!
This picture of me was taken 4 months ago. I’m not sure what I was doing but judging from the look on my face I was being told “No” and doing it anyways LOL!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
I Heart Faces – Vroom Vroom
When I saw the theme this week I immediately thought of this picture. It has been so long since I have participated because life gets busy. I am excited to check out the other pictures this week, if you want to see them too, go to I Heart Faces. You won’t be disappointed if you love photography!
Mondays With Mason
20 Weeks! I have been on the outside half as long as I was on the inside LOL! Not a whole lot of new things happened this past week. To be honest, I mostly just exercised my right to be miserable!! Mommy and Daddy have a few knick names for me, one of them is Gus, which is short for grumpy Gus, grouchy Gus or fussy Gus. I am a bit of a high maintenance boy and command attention, some weeks I require more attention than others and last week just so happened to be one of those weeks.
I am getting much better at sitting on the couch without the pillows propping me up. I will stick out my arm to stop me from toppling over if I start to lean too far one way but I am not quite there yet. Mommy thinks I would do great if I wouldn’t start fussing as soon as she sits me down by myself. What can I say, I’m a social butterfly and want to be entertained he he he!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Flashback Friday!
This is Mason when he was only 5 days old! How quickly he is growing. We took him to the doctor’s on Tuesday and he is 18 pounds and 27 inches long. When I was 6 months old I was 28 inches and I weighed 17 pounds and 3 ounces and Mason is only 4 months old. BIG BOY!!
Mommy wants to try to post some pictures that she never had energy to get to so we will try to post those on Fridays. Mommy wishes that she still had all of my baby pictures to share. That external hard drive is still sitting in the drawer and Mommy is still contemplating sending it away for recovery. For now we will just share some of my old pictures starting at 24 months (when the dreaded hard drive crash occurred)!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
What I Was Looking At
Good guesses at what I was looking at in yesterday’s picture but I was actually watching for falling acorns. Mommy, Mason and I went for a walk at Lemoine’s Point on Tuesday and while we were walking by some oak trees acorns were falling! I asked Mommy what the noise was and she told me about acorns. I picked her a bunch off of the ground. We took some with us and left a few here and there for the chipmunks and squirrels, I hope they liked them!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Mondays With Mason
Am I really 19 weeks tomorrow?! The past week has been filled with reaching up and grabbing faces and other toys hanging above me. Up until now I have just been reaching in front of me but now I am reaching upwards. I am also reaching for toys in front of me while I am on my tummy. I am getting so strong while on my tummy now and can hold myself up with one arm while I play with a toy . My toes continue to fascinate me and I am able to get them in my mouth with no problems now. Watching everything that Taylor does is quickly becoming a favorite activity for me. If I am in a good mood and all my needs are met I will sit on Mommy’s knee or in my chair and just follow her around the room with my eyes. If she gets close to me I will smile and try to get her attention by making noise. Taylor is mostly too busy to bother with me but she does stop to kiss or rub my head many times a day. Mommy wonders how Taylor will react once I am able to chase her around LOL!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Here I am making my surprised face. You can’t see it but I open my mouth and say OOH! I have been doing it a lot lately because I make the face when I am getting trouble LOL!! Mommy finds it hard not to smile when I do this so it works well for me hehehe. I hope everyone is having a great long weekend!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I’m Still Here!
I am still around but Mason has been monopolizing my blog LOL. Just kidding we have just been busy with life stuff and so unfortunately my blog has been ignored a little. We have listed the house so keeping it clean takes up most of Mommy’s extra time. These dark hardwood floors are the worst when it comes to keeping them clean. In the new house Mommy is looking forward to light maple hardwood floors again!! Sure, sure, the dark hardwood looks great in pictures and allows you to get some fun shots but in real life and not still life they suck… right Nat?!! For instance look at the above picture, see all the little crumbs on the floor? That’s floor was just vacuumed a few hours earlier and you can’t even see all the smug marks, see this post for a good look.
The first 2 pictures were taken when we went to the park. I am getting so big and Mommy is finally loosening the reigns a little. I am right in the middle of the wanting to do it MYSELF stage. So when I demanded to go up and down by myself she let me… Daddy is just out of sight of the camera though LOL.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Messing Around With CS5
SOOC (Straight Out Of The Camera)Mommy’s not really sure what she did to get all of these lol! Mommy does know that she loves, loves, loves the blog it boards (last picture) from MCP though! She’s thinking of getting one of the packages, it was so easy to work with and so much quicker that trying to make your own.