Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bed Head and Messy Face

Two of Mason because Mommy couldn’t decide which one she liked better. 

Yesterday was a lazy day and so this is how I looked all day LOL!  Mason tried broccoli again and this time he loved it.  He smashed it up and scrunched it in his fingers and then ate it.  Although he wore a bunch of it he also managed to eat most of it, he loves being able to do new things, and just like me, wants to do it by himself.  Hope you’re having a lazy weekend too.


Friday, February 25, 2011

February Recap

February was fun, fabulous and full of firsts!  In shorts it consisted of… whining (definitely not a first), playing, puking, snowing, snoozing and jump-a-rooing, cruising, peek-a-booing, valentining, chocolate milk partying, bald eagle stalking, sunset viewing and head shaking!!  LOL, what a month!  Over all it was great and we are so excited to be in our new house.  The second day we moved in we had a crazy wind storm which blew quite a few shingles off the roof, thankfully it was fixed quickly an was not an issue.  We hope you had a fabulous February too!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some Christmas Pics

LOL!!  Okay, I know this is way past the point but this post has been sitting in the “draft” section for quite some time.  Mommy never did get around to adding more Christmas pics and that’s why we haven’t posted it but I decided to just get it out of limbo land anyways. 

The move went fairly easy but we are still getting things organized and unpacked.  This was Mommy and Daddy’s first move with kids so not only is there twice the amount of stuff to move but things only get done when it’s good for Mason and I.  Last move for a long time… hopefully!  So far, the only thing that has had it’s picture taken, is the roof, but we’ll save that story for another post.  This house is so nice and bright and Mommy loves all of the natural light but just needs to find some extra energy before she starts getting snap happy… soon though. 




Saturday, February 12, 2011

Another Peek

The hardwood is in and they are just starting to clean it.  Our walk through is 9:00 am on Thursday and we will have the keys Thursday afternoon!  I am very excited to get into my new bedroom and get settled in!  We have been busy the last few days getting things packed up again and ready to go.  I’m not sure if we will get a chance to post before we move or not.  I hope everyone had a great weekend!  SONY DSC

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mondays With Mason


41 Weeks!  For some reason Taylor likes it when I jump on her back!  Taylor crawls under me when I am in the jumperoo and laughs when I jump on her.  When I stop she says “again, again!”  Silly sister!  Not much new this week.  I am still working on my pulling up and trying to cruise a little but Mommy is in no hurry to have me running around just yet LOL. 

I want to be put down to sleep while I am awake but I am also having problems letting Mommy leave me before I am asleep so I am in between a rock and a hard place at bed times right now. 

For the past few days Mommy started reading me books again.  I used to just try to eat the books and not let her turn pages so reading books was difficult.  Now I let her go through the book once before I try to eat it LOL.  I like it when Mommy helps me point to the animals! 

Taylor and I are interacting so much more than we used to.  We are really getting good at this buddy thing.  This morning Daddy asked Taylor if Mommy and Daddy loved her more than anyone else loves her.  She quickly replied “Yes, and Mason does too!”  I admit it, I do!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Princess For Day!

I had the time of my life when I went for my princess appointment!  It was so much fun to have 2 ladies doting over me.  Afterwards we went on one ride and walked around for a bit until it was time to have dinner with the princesses!  I met 5 princesses but only one picture with Ariel turned out and even that one was blurry.  It was pretty dark in there so we were lucky to get that one.  If we do it again we will have breakfast or lunch with them LOL.  SONY DSCSONY DSC


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Some More

 SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSC I was too afraid to go and see Mickey and Minnie on my own so Mommy and Daddy had to come along too LOL!SONY DSC SONY DSC

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mondays With Mason On Tuesday

40 WEEKS!!  How has this much time passed by?  I guess time flies when you are having fun.  I am now pulling up to standing and just starting to cruise a little.  I love holding on with only one hand and seeing what I can get into!  My other favorite thing to do is to try and climb the stairs.  I can do it if Mommy or Daddy makes sure I don’t slide back down the stairs but not on my own completely yet. 

When we were in Florida we decided to go to the beach.  The weather wasn’t ideal but it was warm enough to play in the sand.  I enjoyed feeling sand in my hands for the first time and only tried to eat it a few times LOL!  Taylor had a blast chasing all the birds around and digging for shells.  It was fun to share a few firsts with Taylor, the two of us had never been to a real beach and of course it was our first time seeing the ocean!  Fun times!  Mommy took a few hundred more beach pictures so I’m sure she will share some more soon.