Sunday, March 29, 2009

Random Picture Challenge

It's time for a new picture challenge! If you want to join in the fun go to 4 little men and girly twins

27th folder or December 2007
27th picture

This is just a coincidence but my 27th folder was December 2007 so this picture was meant to be posted, lol! I was just a brand spankin' new baby! I was only 3 days old in that picture! I was sleeping so peacefully and Mommy just had to take some pictures of me. Back then Mommy barely put me down, even while I was sleeping so this is a rare picture of me actually sleeping in my bassinett. I had so much hair in that picture and it just fell out immediatley!


Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

What a sweet sweet picture!! You are an absolutely adorable little tot - I completely understand why mommy wouldn't want to put you down!!

Jenny said...


Erin said...

beautiful baby!!! how wonderful!
My son is 17 days older than your daughter!!!!

shannonjason said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog Taylor. We always have so much fun in the winter. Lover you 27th photo - you're so precious!!! Come and visit us again =)