Thursday, October 21, 2010

Guess Who’s Easier To Take Pictures Of?

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Mason is what Mommy calls a captive audience LOL, so he is easy to take pictures of because he can’t get away.  I, on the other hand, rarely stay still so I guess that makes me the difficult one!


Unknown said...

oh my gosh! I love your little man!! Those big blue eyes... just like his sister. She seem so busy just like Madison.

Also you really should have more confidence in yourself. I think you have such a great talent and could charge to do sessions. :D Your pics are always so beautiful and i love seeing your work. If you come to Boise I will let you practice on my family! Ha ha

Jeremi said...

and the photos you take of your busy little girl are always so gorgeous ......

you are SUPER talented!!

Maria said...

What captivating eyes!! They are both growing so fast!! Love the pics.

Anonymous said...

The leave picking up picture is wonderful. What a great example of a fall photo!