Saturday, November 20, 2010

Feeding the Birds

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Since everyone was asking, yes, that’s our hands.  The birds at Lemoine Point are so used to people that they will come down and eat from your hands.  Almost everyone that goes for a walk has a pocket full of seeds, they like sunflower seeds the most though.  You can also feed the chipmunks too!  They won’t sit on your hand but they will come and take shelled peanuts from your fingers but we haven’t been able to get any pictures of that because they are very timid and quick LOL! 


Suki said...

Beautiful little birdies! Love that they from your hand! Hope the move goes smooth!

Rachelle said...

wow... I'm surprised the camera's click doesn't scare them away. Beautiful captures - especially the one of Taylor's hand taking the seed from yours.

Bridgette said...

That bird has to be fake! :) Just kidding. Great pics.

Cathy said...

Chickadees are such amazingly tame birds as long as it's winter. I afore them. Those are some great shots and Taylor was very brave.