Monday, November 22, 2010

Mondays With Mason

DSC03499-2  30 Weeks!!!  Mommy is handing the laptop in later so we had time to do another Monday.  I have been working on my sitting skills this past week and I am getting really good at it if I do say so myself!  I’m not tipping over nearly as much and when I do I know to tense myself so that I won’t just bang my head on the floor.  I did do that a couple of times and I guess it’s live and learn LOL.  Since I have been sitting so much I haven’t done much work on the crawling… BUT I am creeping now so it won’t be long before I am on the go!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Unknown said...

I can almost hear him shouting, "Surprise!" Not that he can speak yet, but his face is sure engaging. Very cute!

Suki said...

His smile is soooo cute! Give him a big smooch!

Rachelle said...

who is your fashion consultant, little Mason? Love your outfit. And judging from the expression, you love the gal who picked it out for your Monday shoot ;)